Monday, 12 August 2013

Aussie breakfast

My first experience of "soaked oats" was in Australia! My best friend, Nikki, Who lives in Perth introduced me to this marvel. And a year or so on I'm still hooked. They love it out there as its healthy and so easy to make. Also you can make them look pretty cool. 

How it works is that you prepare oats, fruit, yogurt and juice then night before and leave it in the fridge over night. In that time the oats soak up all the flavour and it makes a sort of compost. Similar to what you can purchase is Pret as Starbucks. 

So for this one I included: 

1 cup of oats
Handful of raisins 
Chopped apple (smaller the better)
Two heaped tsp of natural yogurt
Drizzle of honey
Coconut and piƱa water

Add all your ingredients into whatever you plan to store it in or eat it out of in my case. Plonk in the fridge and your done! 

For a bit of extra decor or "fullness" I sprinkle a few crushed almonds on top. 

Creme de la Creme of breakfast "Aussie porridge" 

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