Saturday, 17 August 2013

7 day detox

Over the next 7 days I'm really trying to give my body a detox of all the nasties, especially alcohol and coffee. I began on monday and its especially for when I go away on Friday. I'm jelly off for 5 days to see my Grandparents and although there is no one to "impress" I want to feel confident and cleansed for my mini break. 

Although I try and eat everything organic it can sometimes be difficult.

However I've recently come across a product called Slimatee which is full of all natural ingredients and helps cleanse you system. 

As well as this I've decided to try and make different soaked oats combine with protein each morning. This morning I went for My Green machine smoothie combined with natural yogurt blended with protein and a layer of oats.

So this morning I was off to a good start.
Slimmetee followed by Green machine combo and then after Pilates and weighs session I had my protein shake! 

Detox liquids. All greens and proteins. 

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